
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Finding the COURAGE

I know it's been a while since I last posted and to be honest, I have just been at a loss for words. If you know me at all, then you will know that if I am at a loss for words, then I am bad off. :)

I just wanted to report that I have found the COURAGE to change the things I can. It wasn't an easy decision, but I did arrive there....finally. Now that I know what my plan is, I can work each day towards that goal. I feel a great sense of relief with that.

The girls are doing well. They were both quite sick 2 weeks ago and each of them missed 3 days of school. I believe that the sick bug has finally left our house. We are anxiously awaiting Springs arrival. It can't get here soon enough as far as I am concerned. I am going to jump start my Spring, by heading home to California over Spring Break. I am taking a much needed "Lisa Vacation"...all alone with no husband and no kids. Scandalous, I know....but SO WELL DESERVED!!!

That is all I have to say for now. I am hoping that my inspiration returns soon and I can get back to working on my book and posting regularly here. I haven't written any pages for the book for so long now. It's hard to write when you feel so uninspired to do so. Hang in there, better days are coming!