I will admit I have been out of the dating pool since 2009. But can someone tell me what the hell has happened to dating in the last 5 years? Is it my age or is it the men? I am thinking its a combo of both.
Sorry if you know me, you just might end up in one of my blog posts, so please know now, if your heart is starting to race and your palms are starting to get sweaty, this post just might be about you. Yes, YOU!!!
So, here is what I have noticed since I was last living in Single Kingdom. Men have gotten pretty damn lazy. It's all about texting, IM'ing, SnapChatting, etc. these days. What the hell is up with that? Do people not communicate directly to the source in person anymore? Call me, talk to me. Make plans with me. Stop with the impersonal form of communication already. Second, when you finally DO land that date with me, do me a favor Mr. Self Absorbed and put your damn phone away while you are with me. I don't want to watch you play on your phone the whole time you are with me. What the hell is wrong with you man? Here you are with this extremely smart, witty, HOT babe sitting right in front of you and all you can do is have your face in your phone the entire time (probably chatting with some OTHER babe, right?). If you can't give me the time of day when we are trying to get to know one another, then what makes you think I should give you the time of day later in the sack? Which we all know is what you are really after, right? Wink, wink...
Lastly what's up with the cat and mouse games? I loved the Hunger Games, and I don't mind a good chase, but playing cat and mouse at this point in my life serves me no purpose. Do me a favor fellas and stop with the lame games. No chick wants to be tied to a thin wire and dangled around back and forth with the "maybe we could", the "might be able to" and the " we'll see about that" lines. They suck and if you are going to use those lines with me, then you suck too. Moral of the story, if you keep making me chase you, then the game is over for me. Dude I don't chase my liquor, I am sure not going to chase YOU!! Just sayin'...
And to summarize, I am just going to say that even though this is 2014 and I am probably one of the most tech savvy girls you know. I am on almost every social media platform out there. I have kids, I text way more that I should and have the stats to prove it on Verizon.com. I get that it's a technical world that we live in, I get that. But this girl also has a side that longs for an old fashioned guy. Chivalry WILL get you into my panties. Please tell me chivalry is not dead. A little good manners and an attention span longer than 5 minutes will get you farther with me than anything else. i just gave you the roadmap to every girls bottom dollar. Now that I got that off my chest, I got some SnapChats to answer and some texts and some IM's....
Hello, it's me. . .
9 years ago
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