Finally! Now I am no fan of winter. Let me repeat that: I HATE WINTER!!
But if it's going to be cold and miserable outside, then we should at least have something pretty to look at right? Up until last Tuesday, we have only had 6" total all winter. Well, not anymore. In 24 hours we had about 12" DUMPED on us. Three "no school days" later and we are just now digging our way out and back into the world.
I don't mind "no school days"....because I work at a school, so if we have a snow day, I am off work too.
Here are a couple of snow pics for your enjoyment:
Hello, it's me. . .
9 years ago
see THAT's what i'm talkin' about! fun times! i wouldn't want to shovel or have to drive to work in the snow. i'd want to play!
the only time we had snow since moving from northeast ohio in 1985 was in augusta, ga. we got about 6 inches and it stuck for a good day or two.
it just so happened that on the same day i had a doctor's appointment and would need to leave early from work. the doctor's appointment was cancelled because of the snow. the south doesn't know quite how to deal with such things... BUT i kept that little detail to myself.
i left work, picked up the girls from preschool and we played in the snow all day!
so i'm glad that you got some gorgeous scenery and your very own snow days! woo-hoo!
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