Well, last week marked the date of another annual IEP for little miss Ivy. For the first time in years I wasn't nervous going into it. Maybe it was the fact that I have come to know and love the people most involved in her education at St. Michael's. Maybe it's the fact that she seems to soar no matter how much I worry. And then again, maybe just maybe, I am calm because I can see true healing in her and I can almost say that she is *recovered*. But shhhhhh....don't say that too loud. Recovered and IEP don't belong in the same sentence. We still want her to improve, so we still want services, so we can't say she is totally recovered now can we?
She has really excelled in Speech this year and that is in part due to an excellent Speech Therapist who has been pushing her hard to succeed this year and it shows. Been a great year for growth in that department. Next year will add some stress because in 3rd grade, they start ISTEP testing. That's a whole other ball game of stress for her. But accommodations have been made and I feel confidant that she will succeed there too. Now if we can just get the social part moving forward for her, I might even dare to call her a typical almost 8 year old. Joining Brownies this year has been a big plus and allowed her to see her peers in a social setting other than the classroom. It's been very good for her.
So all in all, I would have to say that this was an excellent IEP. No worries and I am just going to let go and let God where this is concerned. I will continue working with her over the summer and hope for the best in the fall when school resumes next year. <3
Hello, it's me. . .
9 years ago
so thrilled to hear that ivy is doing so well!
as for the testing- is that the standardized testing they do? if so, my personal rule for the girls is don't stress it! kelley worried about the testing way before 3rd grade and i had to stop that. i told her no worries! and now it will be time for bethany...
wish our girls could get together, they'd have a blast!
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