OMIGOSH!!! Ever feel like you have diminished brain cells? Well, that has been me all week. The closer we get to leaving for DC, then fewer brain cells that are firing actually. When I was a young girl, my mother always told me that I would forget my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders and 30 some years later, not much has changed in that department...just ask my friend Susan that I let down tonight even after she REMINDED me not to forget. I am a self professed "forgetter". I prefer to say that I am like Albert Einstein and to be called absent-minded.
So, I forgot all kinds of things today but I got much accomplished as well. Graduation is tomorrow at the school I work at and I have 4 Open Houses to attend after. I went to one tonight and that is 1 down, 4 to go. I am going to be worn out after tomorrow I think. I am going to need some Lisa time really soon or I am going to start becoming grouchy and discontent.
I am disappointed to say that I never heard back from Channel 6 news about doing our story, so for now, it looks like we are just going to get a quick segment with Angela Ganote on Monday. But hey...take what you can right? I am just grateful that someone is allowing us a platform from which to stand and tell our story.
All I can think about is how historical this movement is going to be. Last I read today, there are some 10,000+ people attending the rally. The list of attendees has grown so much in the last week, TACA has had to move the actual starting point of the Rally to accomodate us all. YAY!!! But as Martha Stewart would say, "that's a good thing".
I ask for your continued prayers and thoughts for us as we come closer to our mission. I pray that the rain will hold off until after the Rally (the extended forecast says thunderstorms next Wed in DC). Thanks for those who made donations today, I am forever grateful for you. We are getting closer every day.
Tonight I am just grateful for knowing all of you that have donated for our cause, who are praying for us, who have us in your thoughts and for those who are just there for us when we need a shoulder to lean or cry on. It's amazing knowing how many people are rooting us on. It's amazing knowing how many people are pulling for us. All of you will be with us when we march next Wednesday. All of you are in my heart and I will be thinking of all of you when we walk. Without the love and support you all give to us, this trip would not have even been possible, but yet here I sit...five days out and I am just filled with amazing grace tonight. I can't wait to share our journey with you.
Goodnight, sleep tight.
Hello, it's me. . .
9 years ago
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